About Us

Earthmind is a social enterprise supporting public, private, and non-profit projects to care for our planet

Our work contributes to sustainability goals, notably the targets of the
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD GBF)

Founded in 2006 as a Swiss-based not-for-profit association of sustainability professionals,
Earthmind has also operated in France and now is based in the UK

Our Associates

Earthmind has collaborated with a diversity of sustainability professionals including the following:

Our Work

Over the years, Earthmind has worked with on a wide range of initiatives; here are some highlights:

Encouraging voluntary area-based conservation – Contributing to the initiatives of the CBD Secretariat and UNEP WCMC to recognise voluntary commitments to area-based conservation

Addressing ocean risk – Support to IUCN on consultative workshops in Kenya, Mozambique, and the UK plus a technical guidance note

Investing in nature – Study for the European Commission on private sector financing for biodiversity in developing countries and IUCN working paper on conservation finance

Blue economy opportunities for coastal communities – Developed a training programme for TNC on sustainable coastal livelihoods and prepared a biodiversity financing strategy for the Maldives

Biodiversity-positive gas shipping – Support to Black Seat Oil & Gas, Turk Stream, NordStream2, South Stream, and Yemen LNG on compliance with IFC PS 6

Biodiversity-positive mining – Support to Vale Mozambique, GAC, and Horizonte Minerals on compliance with IFC PS 6

Building the wildlife economy across Africa – Support to establishing the African Wildlife Economy Institute (AWEI) at Stellenbosch University

Fair Carbon – Providing technical and managerial inputs into building a new platform to facilitate fair carbon markets, particularly for marine and coastal areas

Training conservation leaders in Africa -Designed and directed new undergraduate and graduate learning journeys for conservation leaders at the African Leadership University